Research on the Vertical Load Distribution Relationship between Frame and Shear Wall of Frame-Shear Wall Structure 框剪结构框架与剪力墙对竖向荷载的分配关系研究
The relationship between the drawing force of back zone of spinning frame and yarn quality is close, the short and long slubs of 100 kilo meter yarn faults can be reduced by controlling the tension and the speed of automatic winding machine and using the right electronic cleaner 细纱机后区牵伸力的设定与成纱质量关系密切;控制好自动络筒机张力与速度、用好清纱器可有效去除10万m纱疵中的短粗节和长粗节
Because time distances among different road networks ascertain the relationship between time cells, that construct the major frame of the time map, the accuracy of different road class divisions is crucial, as it affects the precision of the time map significantly. 由于各面状要素之相互关系,需经由道路网络结构所产生之时间距离所确定,是时间地图的主要框架结构,所以道路分级的精度直接影响时间地图的精确性。
A hysteretic model for simulating moment-anchorage slip-rotation relationship of RC frame structure RC框架节点的弯矩-滑移转角恢复力模型
Issue and Reflection on Labour-captital Relationship in WTO Frame WTO框架中劳资关系的问题与思考
We will discuss meticulously the relationship between frame and Riesz basis in Hilbert space. 细致地讨论了在Hilbert空间中的框架与Riesz基的关系。
Using the game theory to analyse the interaction relationship between the shareholder and the managers in the frame of incentive mechanism based on the performance evaluation. 用博弈理论分析经营者与股东之间在基于业绩评价的激励机制的框架下的互动关系。
This paper discusses the significance of and the relationship between the conceptual frame and the semantic structure within the perspective of the cognitive connectivity and the cognitive operation. 本文从认知连通可行性和认知操作可行性的角度出发,探讨概念框架和语义结构的理论意义和互相关系。
Based on systematical introduction of structure, the cause and effect relationship and frame of function model, the paper has built a systematical model of forest resources in the whole country and gives the results of its simulation. 在系统介绍森林资源系统动力学模型的结构、因果关系的基础上,建立了森林资源系统预测仿真模型,并给出了模型的基本运行结果及主要变量对比结果。
On the relationship between adaptive array processing algorithms and the unified frame 自适应阵列处理典型算法的内在关系与统一框架
A general equation describing the relationship between compactor frame vibration and front and rear wheel vibration is obtained. 为此建立了压路机前后轮同时振动时机架的两自由度数学模型,利用机械振动的模态分析方法进行了研究,得出了压路机机架的振动与其前后轮振动之间的一般关系式。
To understand the relationship and dynamic property of frame and integrated motorcycle, mode analysis and frequency response analysis have been done. Then natural frequency and vibration data among common rotational speed of motorcycle have been got. 为了解车架、整车结构之间的关系和整个系统的动特性,对车架进行模态分析,对整车进行模态分析和频率响应分析,得出其固有频率和整车在常用转速范围内的振动数据。
The perfect and the scientificalness of financial object have a direct relationship with the scientificalness of financial theory frame in theory domain, and also influence the effect of financial basic theory and application theory directing for financial practice in practice domain. 财务目标理论的完善和科学与否,理论上直接关系到财务理论结构的科学性问题;实践上直接关系到财务基础理论和财务应用理论对财务实践的指导性问题。
At the end of the thesis, the writer raises if the practitioners of media recognize the relationship between the theory of frame and the news scheme, they would be better in practical operation. 结语部分指出只要媒介从业者认识到框架理论和新闻策划的关系,就必然会更好地运用于实践。
This paper gives the whole process curve of load-displacement relationship of steel space frame obtained by progressive incremental method using a program the author made considering both geometrical and material nonlinearity of the structure. 本文考虑了材料非线性和几何非线性影响因素,应用荷载&位移逐步增量法,通过自行编制的程序,求算出了空间钢结构刚架的荷载位移全过程曲线。
Relationship between endothelin-1 levels and TIMI frame counts in patients with ST-T changes but normal coronary arteriogram 冠状动脉造影正常患者血清内皮素-1与TIMI-FC的关系
The management system of State-owned bank is naturally the multi-principal-agent relationship. In this frame, it must produce serious agent problems because of unsymmetrical information. 国有银行管理体制的实质是多重委托代理关系,在这种多重委托&代理框架内,由于信息不对称,就会产生严重的代理问题。
The relationship between the buckling load of the longitudinal frame and the stiffness of bracings and the formula for the critical stiffness requirement were put forward using the analytical method. 进一步利用解析法确定了支撑刚度同为有限时,屈曲荷载与支撑刚度的关系以及柱列无侧移失稳的门槛刚度要求表达式。
This paper analyze the reason of distorted perceiving cause bad relationship, and puts forwards the frame adjustment to the distorted perceiving, so as to help the youth to establish good relationship with the others. 分析了由于认知歪曲而导致人际关系欠佳的原因,并有效地针对歪曲认知提出进行认知结构调整,从而帮助青少年建立良好的人际关系。
In the preface, the writer expounds the relationship between the frame theory and the news schemes, then tells the research background and objection of the thesis, finally puts forward the writer's own opinions. 前言部分简要分析了框架理论与新闻策划之间的关系,交代了本文的研究背景、研究对象,提出了本文的主要论点。
The relationship between GVRP and the other protocols in the TMS frame is analyzed and concluded. What's more, the interface functions between GVRP and the other protocol modules are designed. 分析了GVRP协议与TMS框架中其它协议模块的关系,并设计了GVRP协议与其它协议模块的函数接口。
Discussion of the Relationship Between Packet Length and Frame Length in Packet Telemetry 分包遥测中帧长与包长的关系探讨
Then list the four pairs of the main factors affecting the frame size, respectively, from the various factors and the relationship between frame size, to discuss how the interaction between them. 然后列举出四个对画幅尺寸有影响的主要因素,分别从各个因素与画幅尺寸之间的关系入手,探讨它们之间是如何相互作用的。
It is difficult to describe the relationship of geometric parameters of section in the frame. Moreover, it is unable to achieve continuous simultaneously for different type sections by continuing size of section. 钢框架结构中影响结构力学性能的截面几何参数之间的关系很难用数学表达式描述;此外,截面尺寸的连续化也无法实现同时对任意类型截面的连续化。
Then Stat. analysis is taken to test whether or not the statistics support the hypotheses, and the relationship among variables in the frame is studied. 最后再经由定量的统计分析印证数据是否支持假设,并探讨研究框架中各变量间的关系。
Beam-column joints is an important part of the steel frame. Fire resistance of the joints has a close relationship with the fire resistance of the entire steel frame. The destruction of the beam-column joints under fire loads can easily lead to the collapse of the entire structure. 梁柱节点是钢框架的重要组成部分,节点的抗火性能与钢框架整体结构的抗火性能有着紧密的联系,火灾下梁柱连接节点的破坏很容易导致整个结构的垮塌。
This paper designed the suitable integrating amplifier to address these issues with the voltage signal amplification, and studied the relationship among the array size, frame rate and circuit parameters carefully, which can provide theoretical guidance for the larger scale read out circuit designing. 本论文针对上述问题设计了与电压信号放大相适应的积分放大器,并详细研究了阵列规模、帧频与电路参数之间的关系,可以对更大规模阵列的读出电路设计提供理论指导。
Labor dispatching is a kind of non-standard employment relationship, which has a more complex frame. 劳务派遣是一种有别于标准劳动关系的非标准劳动关系,是一种复合架构。
Meanwhile, it provides an investigation into the internal complex relationship between the independent frame and the compound frame within English N+ N compounds by adopting a new perspective, i.e. the perspective of the Frame Semantics Theory. 同时,本文以框架语义理论为视角,对英语名名复合词内部独立框架与复合框架之间的复杂关系进行分析与研究,展示英语名名复合词研究的全新视角。
Thirdly, the author uses the theories like Extra Power Relation, Partial Society, Contract Education, etc. to discuss the relationship between universities and students within the legal frame, in the hope that the interactive boundaries between the self-governing universities and judicial reviews could be defined. 再次,本文通过辨析特别权力关系学说、部分社会学说、教育契约学说等理论,在法制框架内探讨了大学与学生之间的关系,以期回答自治的大学与司法审查的互动边界。